
July 23, 2011 at 5:08 pm (Frustrations) (, , )

-is one thing that I am not, but wished I had been.

I keep telling myself that if there was something I would change when I reborn, I’d like to gain the patience in dealing with books.

I am not even sure if I can finish reading a book as fast as I should. I remember back in school when the teacher would post something on the board for us to copy down on our notebooks, I would always be the last one to finish.  Coincidentally, I write on paper like a turtle; Even if I silently brag about my handwriting. (Yes, I consider my handwriting neat and very legible). One night, I had trouble sleeping. All I did was to pick up a book, started reading, and a few minutes later, I was on the bed asleep.

But it’s not all bad. I consider it bragging rights to mention that I finished my course in college (with average grades, shamelessly saying) without purchasing any of those heavy books. After all, the lectures have always been bookish, and one only needs to listen (and .. ugh … write comprehensive notes – my bane). All that extra lbs on your backpack can be uncomfortable , and presumably not good for your posture too. One classmate, a girl half my size, always lugs around books specific for each class. She had a tired look on her face. It’s definitely from the books, but not from all that reading. I liked to borrow them for a pillow. 😀

Still, I feel like I’m completely missing out on a lot of things. I have this friend who proclaims herself a geek. She manages to decimate all of us in this trivia game every time she gets to pick the category. All she needs to do is to choose  ‘Literature’, which by then she probably knows the name of that obnoxious pet dog to this obscure character of this unknown book series. Don’t get me wrong, I find it actually quite amazing! When you engage in a casual conversation with her, you would sometimes find yourself inadequate in keeping her interest… of course, unless you follow ONTD. I don’t. :/

As a matter of fact, the rest of my gang reads books. Whenever they get into a conversation on who their favorite author is, or how the story of this one went about, or which pet dog of that character was more charming, I just shut up (as with a lot of other topics in our conversations as it may seem). Yeah, i sometimes feel singled out, by which then one will try steer the conversation on something I might have actually a say on … like comics or video games. 😛

Funny how I could write up on a detailed resume how I ended up 2nd on a regional level PressCon – this gathering of aspiring journalists in different schools in a form of a tournament. It turns out I participated in Desktop Publishing – which is more concerned in design and visuals – something wayward from my concept on journalism.

Ultimately, I still wish I was an avid book reader. I know it’s never too late to start, but where do I get the patience I wonder. I remember back in the day, I used to follow Animorphs. Applegate’s work, was it? (Yes, I’m lame.) And that other similar series where you get to pick your own path whose name escapes me right now. Nevertheless, I remember getting hooked; reading chapter after chapter; resting your eyes and neck after noticing an hour pass by so fast. It is a feeling now alien to me. These days I only read tabloids, the daily newspaper, and follow a monthly subscription on Reader’s Digest Asia. Somehow, they keep my fill on reading. I already read enough randomly on things online anyway. Yet still I would one day like to read all those great books my friends would recommend reading before I die.

To the readers, if you believe you have the patience to read books, I highly recommend doing so. Literature is a privilege of this mundane world. To the bookworms out there, I will be accepting must-read-before-dying recommendations. 🙂 Cheers!

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